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I'm studying teaching to find out how to better create high quality content that is relevant to you.  Can I help you find inspiration, get past those annoying plateaus where it all seems a bit monotonous (I've been there plenty of times!) and move your photography to where you want to be?

Do you have time to talk on Zoom (about 30 mins), so I can ask you about your photography goals, where you need support and what your greatest challenges are?

Please note I am NOT SELLING ANYTHING, this is purely research to improve my services and create relevant content on youtube.

I'd love to hear from you!

I'd really like to talk to you on Zoom rather than in text boxes - so things don't get lost in translation.  Besides...all that typing arghhh!


If you'd really rather not, but would still like to give me feedback, you can fill out my questionnaire below.  If you indicate you would be willing to chat in the future I may reach out to you at a later date 😊

How much time do you spend on average in the field each month?
Do you mainly photograph birds?
Do you have a photography style?
How do you feel about composition?
Manual, Part Manual (Auto ISO ETC) or Full Auto
Do you feel you know what each of the 3 main camera settings do?
How do you feel about settings? Check all that apply if in between
How do you feel about editing?
Check all that apply
Do you enter photography competitions?
Do you use a tripod for daytime shooting?
Are you willing to chat with me on Zoom sometime?

If you are thinking about having a chat with me - but now is not the best time - I will touch base via email in a couple of weeks and see if we can find a mutually agreeable time 🤞 Easy opt-out if you don't want to hear from me again! *I may shed a silent tear 😅

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