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The Art of Patience: Capturing Unique Bird Moments

Bird photography is a deeply rewarding - but let's face it - very challenging - genre that demands more than just technical skills and the latest gear.

It calls for the art of patience - a quality that can make the difference between ordinary shots and extraordinary moments. By embracing patience, you can capture truly unique bird moments that tell a story and engage the viewer.

I waited well over an hour for these Kites to move from a standard position.  The tandem stretch was the moment I was waiting for!
I waited well over an hour for these Kites to move from a standard position. The tandem stretch was the moment I was waiting for!

Although I used to be impatient and often found myself rushing to 'get the shot' when I first started bird photography, now I find the waiting game meditative - and a big part of embracing 'the big wait' is knowing the rewards it can bring.

But there's another added bonus - the mental health benefits and the calming effect nature has on my soul! The world is...well, to put it politely... it's gone a bit mad as far as I'm concerned. Not that that's anything new when you put history under the microscope...

We're constantly bombarded with fear, useless information and new things to worry about - or new consumer goods to supposedly aspire to (new lenses definitely excluded from that category 😂).

When you're out in nature, it all seems to fade away and you get the opportunity to connect with the REAL world again - not man's artificial construct. A world you can forget exists when you are caught up in the daily grind, where 'relaxation' tends to involve a lot of screens!

I find bird photography calming and soothing, and it's an essential practice for my general health and well being.

Let's move onto the many benefits of embracing the wait.

Understanding Your Subject

Patience begins with understanding your subject. Birds are unpredictable creatures with behaviour influenced by their environment, time of year, and daily habits. Patience rewards you with mental notes of their movements, feeding patterns and preferred habitats.

Knowledge of your subject helps you anticipate actions, increasing your chances of being ready for that perfect shot. I find even a few minutes observation can give away little behaviour 'secrets' you may not otherwise notice.

Although it can seem repetitive, returning to the same location is ideal, as you become familiar with inhabitants, their habits and movements. And often you're surprised with a newcomer which is always exciting.


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Setting the Scene

A great bird photograph starts with preparation. Scout locations in advance and look at where birds might land, the best places to get shots and pay particular attention to backgrounds. Observe the light and notice when it might move to over time.

I've detailed my process for finding locations in this video if you haven't already seen it.

Setting up in a spot with natural elements that complement your composition will lead to more visually compelling images. I have been known to stalk attractive branches - with some success I might add!

Once you’ve chosen your location, remain still and quiet, allowing the birds to grow comfortable with your presence.

Practicing Steady Persistence

Warning! Birds may not always cooperate and it can be frustrating. You might spend hours waiting for a specific species or behaviour, and come home empty-handed some days, but persistence generally pays off.

Moments like a kingfisher diving for a fish or a bird in flight with wings beautifully spread are often fleeting but worth the wait. Use the downtime to fine-tune your settings, test compositions, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature.

If you are in the one place for some time, don't forget to adjust your settings as the light changes so you are ready for that special moment when it finally arrives.

Embracing Serendipity

While preparation and patience are vital, some of the most memorable bird photos come from unexpected opportunities. Always be ready for the serendipitous moment—a bird landing on an unusual perch, a display of courtship, or an interaction between species. Tune into your surrounding, stay alert and adaptable so you don’t miss a fleeting instance.

I try not to have expectations when I head out to look for birds, especially when I'm visiting a new location.

Fleeting glimpses are most often captured when you are truly present and aware of your surroundings
Fleeting glimpses are most often captured when you are truly present and aware of your surroundings

The Rewards of Patience

Patience in bird photography is about more than just getting the shot. It’s about immersing yourself in the moment, connecting with nature, and appreciating the world through the eyes of your feathered subjects.

The images you capture will not only reflect your technical skills but also the deep connection and understanding you’ve cultivated.

When you're next out with your camera, remember that the art of patience is your greatest tool. Stay focused, stay calm, and trust that fortitude and stoicism will eventually reward you with images that are not only unique but also deeply satisfying. It might not happen today, but it's only a matter of time!


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